Startup Bug with the Xilinx SRL16


As you may know XST typically synthesizes shift register constructs

(without a reset) into a SRL16E component. The SRL16E behaves

well unless you’re using initial signal values that start shifting during

GSR. The initial pattern gets distorted and causes the design to fail.

Synplify currently does not implement initial values into SRL16 and will

not correctly implement this design.


A search of the internet to find a solution to this problem found a

number of similar issues but no definitive resolution.

Design Description

This design will create a fixed pattern running at 50 Mbits per second.

It utilizes a shift register of 8 bits in length that is initialized to a x”88”

starting value. 


The code for this design is:


library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;


entity srl16e_bug is port (

  clk      : in  std_logic;

  lsb_out  : out std_logic);

end entity srl16e_bug;


architecture rtl of srl16e_bug is

  signal byte_internal : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"88";



  shift_right : process begin

    wait until rising_edge(clk);

    byte_internal<= byte_internal(0) & byte_internal(7 downto 1);

  end process shift_right;


  lsb_out <= byte_internal(0);


end architecture rtl;


Code Sample 1 Fixed Pattern Shift Register


An RTL simulation of this code shows the proper operation with the

“88” being rotated through the SLR16E.  The TestBench simply

supplies a clock. This operation is shown in Figure 1.  This shows the

output pulsing high every 4 clock cycles. 

Figure 1 RTL Simulation


Implemented in the FPGA


The next step is to compile this design using the Xilinx ISE Webpack

tool. Version 10.1.03 is utilized in this example.  A Post Place and

Route simulation model is then simulated. The results of this simulation

(Figure 2) show a discrepancy.


Figure 2 Post PAR Simulation


The output is only pulsing high every 8th clock.  The Technology view

(Figure 3) shows the implementation of this circuit that XST produced.

Figure 3 Technology view of circular shift function


XST implemented 7 bits of the shift register in the SRL16E and the

remaining bit is implemented in the FDE. 


The simulation in Figure 4 shows what is occurring in the design during

GSR.   The SRL16E is shifting data with each clock, but the FDE since

it is being held in reset by GSR is not participating in the operation.

The net result is that whatever state the FDE is being held


Figure 4 Failure mechanism shown


in (high or low) is being shifted into the SRL16E and the bits within the

SRL16E are being shifted out.  When the GSR is released, the bits

remaining in the SRL16E will be shifted into the FDE properly with the

output of the FDE feeding the input of the SRL16E.  But by this time,

the pattern has been compromised and only a single ‘1’ remains in the

circular FIFO. Figure 5 shows where the missing pulses belong.  A

different clock rate would produce different, interesting patterns.



Figure 5 Missing pulse shown before GSR


Resolving the problem

The first thoughts toward resolving the problem was to utilize an

enable signal on the SRL16E that is generated either external to the

FPGA or from internal timing.  By holding the SRL16E in a disabled

state during the GSR, proper operation can be obtained. 


Figure 6 External/internal enable provided to the SRL16E


Figure 6 shows the proper operation if an enable is applied.  The issues

with this solution is “when is GSR inactive” and how is a reset handled

during operation.  Tying the SRL16E enable to a reset function

resolves this issue but a more robust way would be to use the GSR to

directly control the enable signal.  GSR is an asynchronous signal

within the FPGA.  As such it should be double buffered to avoid

metastability issues.  Code Sample 2 shows an implementation doing



library ieee;   use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all;


entity srl16e_bug is port (

  clk      : in  std_logic;

  lsb_out  : out std_logic);

end entity srl16e_bug;


architecture rtl of srl16e_bug is

  signal byte_internal : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"88";

  signal after_gsr     : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";

  -- synthesis translate_off

  signal gsr_fake      : std_logic;

  -- synthesis translate_on



  -- synthesis translate_off

  roc_i : roc -- Reset On Configuration.

    generic map (width => 100 ns)

    port map (O => gsr_fake);

  -- synthesis translate_on



  shift_right : process begin

    wait until rising_edge(clk);


    -- synthesis translate_off

    if gsr_fake = '0' then

    -- synthesis translate_on

      after_gsr <= after_gsr(0) & '1'; -- Happens after the real GSR.

    -- synthesis translate_off

    end if;

    -- synthesis translate_on


    if after_gsr = "11" then -- Rotate right.

      byte_internal <= byte_internal(0) & byte_internal(7 downto 1);

    end if;

  end process shift_right;


  lsb_out <= byte_internal(0);


end architecture rtl;


Code Sample 2 GSR Used as Enable


Both simulation and synthesis constructs are included in the code

segment.  The roc primitive is a Xilinx Unisim to simulate a GSR

function.  It is not synthesizable.  The signal gsr_fake provides the

simulation equivalent of the GSR.  The line


after_gsr <= after_gsr(0) & ‘1’;


provides a signal that can only occur after GSR has terminated since it

is based on FD devices that are held in reset by GSR.


The technology view is show below.


Figure 7 Technology View showing GSR Enable


As can be seen in Figure 8, this again results in proper operation of the

circular shift register but without relying on an enable that is not

controlled and timed by GSR.  This will guarantee that the SRL16E is

not shifting data until GSR is released.


Figure 8 Simulation utilizing GSR for Enable



While SRL16E implementations as a FIFO should have no issue with

the affects of GSR, fixed pattern generators (circular buffers) must be

looked at during an active GSR.  Any clock edge that is present during

the GSR could corrupt data within the shift register.  It would be

prudent to add an enable that would guarantee the SRL16E does not

shift during the GSR active state.



Ron Hakola       918.906.6952


Johan Sandstrom  310.977.9435


With contributions by John Retta

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