------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-- model supplier: | Johan Sandstrom | 310.977.9435 |
-- | johan@sandstrom.org | |
-- project: | PreSynth. | |
-- description: | TestBench showing how to compare the original source to the preprocessed source. | |
-- filename: | TestBench.vhd | |
-- yyyy/mm/dd | modifier | Description of change |
---------------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-- 1997/10/24 | johan | Initial release |
------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
entity TestBench is end;
architecture example of TestBench is
component source
port (some_inputs
: in std_logic;
some_outputs : out std_logic);
end component;
component source_PS
port (some_inputs
: in std_logic;
some_outputs : out std_logic);
end component;
signal some_inputs
: std_logic;
signal some_outputs_source
: std_logic;
signal some_outputs_source_PS : std_logic;
signal stimulus_from_somewhere : std_logic;
i1 : source
port map(some_inputs
=> some_inputs,
some_outputs => some_outputs_source);
i2 : source_PS
port map(some_inputs
=> some_inputs,
some_outputs => some_outputs_source_PS);
some_inputs <= stimulus_from_somewhere;
assert (some_outputs_source = some_outputs_source_PS)
"source differs from source_PS" severity
end example;