This tool is a VHDL model. It is thus platform, operating
system and simulator independent.
1) Start with leaf-level entity/architectures and work
your way up; just like
2) Write a TestBench that instantiates both your design
and the to-be-created
3) Write a configuration, PS_cfg.vhd, that tells PreSynth.vhd
the name of the file to
4) Analyze PreSynth.vhd. 5) Analyze PS_cfg.vhd. 6) Elaborate and simulate PS_cfg for 100 ns. (Simulation
time only advances a
6a) Any errors in your source are displayed
in the simulator transcript
6b) Any warnings about your source are displayed
in the simulator transcript
6c) Any messages are annotated in source_PS.vhd.
You might have a look at
7) Analyze source_PS.vhd 8) Re-run the TestBench, but this time enable the comparison
between the original
8a) Miscompares might be due to the dreaded
"reset problem", or perhaps 'left
9) Synthesize source_PS.vhd.